What is needed for controlled coursework submission?

Create a geometric portrait...here’s a simple tutorialhttp://www.practicalphotoshopmag.com/2013/03/29/create-a-geometric-abstract-portrait/


Geometric Portrait

Water droplet portraits

Take a portrait in the studio

Print out A3 size

Lay glass over (make sure it is really clean!)

Add drops of water over top

Rephotograph and edit in photoshophttps://angelicagarcia.see.me


Plan a photo shoot based on the work of Alex Stoddard. 

Bring in props and costume and build a set in the studio. Or take photographs in a location after school.http://www.flickr.com/photos/alex-stoddard/
Two pages of research exploring  Alex Stoddard’s Work


Alex Stoddard inspired portrait

Richard Vergez inspired mixed media portrait

Two pages of research exploring  Richard Vergez’s Workhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/richardvergez/
Take a photograph and turn it black and white in photoshop. Coffee/tea stain it and then blow ink form one part of its form.http://www.flickr.com/photos/richardvergez/


One page exploring the work of  Christina Verienti Work
Take a photograph of your models head in hands. Take a photograph of elbow to tips of fingers on a white background.
In photoshop remove the hand and arm and place the head in hands behind.

Turn black and white and give a slight colour tinthttp://www.behance.net/cristinaverrienti


Christina Verienti inspired portrait

Long shutter speed movement capture portrait Shutter open

for @ 5 seconds.. Move head

from side to side.

Experiment in a dark room....

torch on/ torch off technique

as demonstrated.

Contact sheet print best selection of images and present in your sketchbook. Present one to two large images.

Long shutter speed movement capture portraits


Two pages of research exploring  the sleeve face website below and artists website right

Photograph through glass with water poured over the surface of the glass as the portrait is shot.

Squash ink, oil and water between plastic sheets.

Photograph your model through the plastic


Januz Miralles portraits through liquid

Follow this tutorial to set the world on fire. Research the work of Lars Von Trier


Januz Miralles portraits through liquid

Produce a Surface blur a portrait based on the work of Shinseungback Kimyonghun


Surface blur portraits

Make your face from Grass based on this tutorial


Subtly disintegrate portrait images (black and white) inspired by the work of Sylvia Grav


Disintegrate portraits inspired by Sylvia Grav

Glowing grass face tutorial

Using your ink images and texture photographs


Alberto Seveso Inspired Portrait

Remove the head of your model in photoshop and replace with a cloud inspired by the work of Alexandre Bordereau

Alexandre Bordereaux head off!!

A great example


iPad Experimental Portraits

Using Porcreate on the iPad, create a series of blurred and smudged portraits inspired by the work of Ade Santora